” I hate those damn cameras. I use the photoblocker spray and it is effective. I highly recommend it. We love your product Phantomplate.com. You are providing a great service and keep up the good work.”
Jack Murphy is a morning DJ with his own show in Greensboro, NC. He has been using the Photoblocker spray formula for several months. You can see an actual photo of Jack's BMW license plate with the Photoblocker in action. Here is the link to his web site.
The license plate spray that makes your car invisible to cameras!
Hi-quality clear cover that distorts your license plate to cameras.
Hi-quality clear plastic cover with light-reflecting crystals.
© PhantomPlate Inc. 2025
Note : In some states it is unlawful to display on any vehicle a registration plate which is obscured in any manner which inhibits the proper operation of an automated red light enforcement system. Products sold as NOVELTY item ONLY. Not for use on public roads or where local laws prohibit. Check local motor vehicle laws before using products!