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Our products were tested independently and vigorously investigated by Denver department, Fox 31 NEWS, CBS Early Morning Show South, African , Australian , SWEDISH TV, Dutch , Channel 9 in Ohio, KARE 11 in Minnesota, Tech-TV, Washington Post, Washington Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, and many other news agencies. Additionally, we have sold several hundreds of thousands of cans world wide and the complaint or product failure is less than 1%. We currently protect over 2 Million license plates and possibly saved motorist over 1 billion dollars in fines.
Click to watch videos of test results by police and media
Click on the links below to watch newscasts. The streaming video files will pop up in a new window.
Click here for additional videos and test results from the media
Click here to read articles, testimonials, and print news coverage.
Most state laws require your license plate to be visible to the naked eye. They do not, however, require it to be photogenic.
NOTE: We do recommend that customers check their local motor vehicle code as to the legality of the use and purchase of our products.
Corporate Info:
PhantomPlate designs and manufactures passive anti-photo-radar defenses. We have been in business since 1996. We are based out of Harrisburg PA. Over the years we have grown leaps and bounds into the world’s largest manufacturer.
Proven Products:
Our products have been independently tested and proven by several TV Stations and automotive magazines. Our independent dealers and distributors have sold PhotoShield and PhotoBlocker to tens of thousands of motorists around the world.
PhantomPlate Inc.
P.O.BOX 61212
Our products are sold in 23 countries. We sell our products in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Asia, South Africa and South America.
The future is bleak for motorists but not for us.
We expect demand for our products to grow as more and more cities are implementing photo enforcement programs. As the number of cameras deployed increases more and more unsuspecting motorist will be receiving tickets in the mail regularly. With fines ranging from $50 – $650 and the possibility of increased insurance premium motorist will be forced to use our products to avoid overzealous prosecution.
Over the past 20 years motorist around the world have paid fines in excess of 10 billion dollars. In 2001 there were 19 cites in the US that were using cameras. In 2006 there are 198 and climbing. By 2010 the number of US cities using cameras will exceed 1000 and millions of motorist will be victims regularly for going 5-10 miles over the speed limit and/ or for allegedly running lights that have unrealistically short yellow light cycles.
Naturally, demand and use or our e-Book Fight Back “How To Fight Red Light and Speed Cameras In Court and Win” will increase. Additionally, we expect to see sales of our PhotoBlocker Spray, PhotoShield Cover and Reflector Cover will increase exponentially.
Click here to read articles on the future of cameras and PhotoBlocker sales
Why do people need PhantomPlate products?
Cameras cause accidents and they do not save lives. They do not work.
This study agrees with long-term findings in Australia and North Carolina.
Cameras make mistakes and innocent people are getting unjust tickets.
The simplest and most effective measure to reduce red-light running problems is to length the yellow time cycle.
“Fairfax County records also show that citations being issued dropped to just 0.82 citations a day on average during the 67 days after the yellow time was increased.
“This camera was activated February 8, 2001 by Lockheed Martin under an agreement with Fairfax County. The Virginia Department of Transportation is responsible for operating these signals. The decision to install a red light camera at this intersection confirms that this intersection was considered a location of serious violations with increased potential for accidents.
“This experience should prove to any skeptic that sound engineering practices, not only work, but are preferable to exploiting motorists through the use of ticket cameras and related automated enforcement devices,” Skrum concluded.
Fairfax County red light camera enforcement records were received from Fairfax County on July 9, 2001 by the National Motorists Association. Those records reflected camera enforcement data through the end of May, 2001 and were the most current and complete records available on the day of receipt (as stated by Fairfax County officials). It should also be noted that the average daily in this intersection is approximately 74,000 vehicles per day.
Click here to read official report on red-light cameras and accidents.
Cameras primary goal is to raise revenue and safety is a smoke screen.
We would like to stress that we do not condone nor encourage running red lights or speeding. Running red lights is careless, illegal and outright dangerous.
Please read the following articles that support our findings and justify why people should protect themselves from prying eyes.
Click here to read full coverage on The Weekly Standard
We can provide you with customers and dealers in your city upon your request. We will contact customers and dealers in your area and get their consent to be interviewed and/or contacted by you.
The license plate spray that makes your car invisible to cameras!
Hi-quality clear cover that distorts your license plate to cameras.
Hi-quality clear plastic cover with light-reflecting crystals.
© PhantomPlate Inc. 2025
Note : In some states it is unlawful to display on any vehicle a registration plate which is obscured in any manner which inhibits the proper operation of an automated red light enforcement system. Products sold as NOVELTY item ONLY. Not for use on public roads or where local laws prohibit. Check local motor vehicle laws before using products!