Soon after placing our first order we ordered 150 additional cans. By the time September arrived we had purchased over 4000 units. We identified the huge potential Photoblocker had in the UK so we negotiated exclusive UK and Ireland distribution rights with Phantomplate Inc., on 22nd September 2004. This deal authorized us to distribute and appoint new dealers throughout the UK and Ireland. To succeed we needed to successfully market Photoblocker. Our first campaign started with a roadside ad that gained national media exposure. It wasn’t long before we started to appear on BBC television, Sky television and Irish television RTE1.
Photoblocker soon became a household name and we have now sold over 20,000 units. Our current marketing continues with appearances at the UK's largest indoor trade show the Ideal Home Show ( We have also struck a deal to sponsor a rally across Europe called The Extreme Sun Run and we expect to finalize more sponsorship deals by July 2005. We have also enlisted several of the UK's leading radar detector distributors who are selling Photoblocker alongside such names as Snooper and Road Angel. Our predicted sales over the next 12 months are expected to reach over 50,000 units.
Photoblocker is the fastest selling auto accessory in the UK and we appoint new dealers almost daily to achieve maximum sales potential. In return, we provide our dealers with a unique product at fair prices and the support they need to succeed. If we are successful our dealers will be successful. We don't just see ourselves as suppliers but as part of a very important team working closely with our authorized dealers.
The license plate spray that makes your car invisible to cameras!
Hi-quality clear cover that distorts your license plate to cameras.
Hi-quality clear plastic cover with light-reflecting crystals.
© PhantomPlate Inc. 2025
Note : In some states it is unlawful to display on any vehicle a registration plate which is obscured in any manner which inhibits the proper operation of an automated red light enforcement system. Products sold as NOVELTY item ONLY. Not for use on public roads or where local laws prohibit. Check local motor vehicle laws before using products!